What are Broken Links? & How to Fix Them?

What are Broken Links & How to Fix Them

Naturally, a website with good optimisation would eventually have more pages. There will be a lot of content, including blog entries, product pages, and other types of pages. It frequently happens that information that was published a few years ago gets forgotten, and some of the links on these pages have either been relocated or are no longer active. We refer to these as broken links. In this blog, we will guide you to get an idea of what are broken links and some techniques to fix those links.

What Are Broken Links?

What Are Broken Links

Broken links are hyperlink references to other websites that are no longer available for various reasons. The most frequent explanation is that the linked page no longer exists (404 error). Other causes include the URL being misspelt, the website owner restricting access to the page, or server issues are some additional causes. Both internal and external linkages have the potential to be broken.

Everyday tasks for an SEO include fixing these broken links. Even though they are minor, every little amount of optimisation counts in Search Engine Optimisation, and yes, that includes going back to a blog post that was written five years ago simply to change a link. Although they may appear to be relatively simple, they can occasionally become daunting since they can accumulate very quickly. Continue reading to learn how these broken links impact SEO and how you should handle them.

How Do Broken Links Affect SEO?

When broken links are discovered on a website, some SEOs and website owners become anxious because they believe it will hurt their rankings. However, broken links may have an impact on your SEO, but not in the way you might assume, and not negatively.

Google is aware that broken links frequently appear on the internet. Broken links have a negative impact on user experience, which is a ranking element which has an indirect effect on SEO. In addition, these links might be quite bothersome and ruin the experience. Hence, if you replace broken links, you shouldn’t anticipate an increase in traffic or ranking. Still, more significantly, you ensure that consumers have a positive browsing experience on your website.

The broken inks won’t impact the website so much, but it is still good to take time to optimise it because every page and blog counts for optimisation when it comes to SEO.

How to Find Broken Links?

how to find broken links

Several kinds of methods are available now to find broken links, and we will see that the most relevant and most accessible option is to find those broken links.

Google Search Console

The easy method to find the broken links is through Google Search Console. Using the Coverage Report, you can find any broken links that Google found while crawling your website in Google Search Console. Although only broken internal links will be listed in this report, they should still be important because internal connections are often more significant than outbound links.

In the coverage report, there will be an excluded option; by clicking that option will let you know the errors in the URL, and the errors may be in the form of,

  • Blocked due to unauthorised requests
  • URL Not found (404)
  • Blocked due to access forbidden
  • Maybe blocked due to other 4xx issues

In the URLs which showed in the coverage report, you can click one URL and inspect them to find more information about that specific URL to see why it is broken.

Practices to Fix the Broken Links

You ought to have a list of all the broken connections on your website that need to be fixed by this point. Next, you must determine how you want to handle them. There are many things to think about.

For Misspelling URL

Correcting misspellings addresses should be simple. First, you need to enter the correct URL that you want to connect to, and you’re done!

For 400 Series Errors

400 Series Errors

Before taking any action, consider looking into the 4xx internal connections. If an internal link gives you a 4xx error, look into the issue with that URL.

Did you change the URL where it is located? If so, a redirection for that URL needs to be put up.

Is this a website for a product or service that you no longer provide? Then it is not required to replace the link. The connection should be deleted without any issues.

For 500 Series Errors

If so, you should examine your server or hosting company to see what is causing the 5xx internal links. They might be a symptom of a more serious issue.

For Outbound Links

This typically occurs when an outdated source you referred to has vanished, or the website may have been shut down.

They might have relocated the page to another page if the website is still operational. It would be best to replace the existing connection with the new one. You may link to a different source website or remove the link if the source URL is no longer available.

It would help if you held off linking to websites with 5xx errors or expired names for a few days until they fix the problem. However, this would take too much effort, and I would rather remove the link.

How to Redirect the Webpages in WordPress?

Redirect Webpages in WordPress

There are various redirection kinds, but unless you work in web development, you only need to be aware of 301 (permanent) redirects and 302 (temporary) redirects.

The one you’ll use the most is a 301 redirect. This redirect is permanent, which means that the website has been moved and won’t be moved back to its previous address. As we’ll discuss eventually, 301 redirects are also the best choice for maintaining search engine authority.

A 302 redirect means you do intend to move the website back to its original address at some point and that the new URL is only temporary. Although it’s less frequent than a 301 redirect, a 302 redirect can be used to update or fix web pages, such as sending users to an alternative website while a broken page is fixed.

We’ll discuss 301 redirects in this article because, as a WordPress administrator, you’ll typically have to deal with them. Setting up 301 redirects in WordPress CMS using tools or a little code is simple. Here, we will discuss redirecting using the All in One SEO plugin.

All in One SEO Plugin

Another well-liked and effective plugin to help you raise your search engine rating is All in One SEO (AIOSEO). A redirection manager that detects broken links and creates 301 redirects for them is part of the AIOSEO Pro and Elite editions. Additionally, you can design your own detours using the plugin.

all in one seo plugin

To implement AIOSEO’s 301 redirects:

  1. Install and activate the AIOSEO plugin first.
  2. Click All in One SEO in the Dashboard > Redirects in your interface. This will open the Redirects page.
  3. In the Source URL box, paste the URL you want to redirect from. Please don’t include your domain name or anything else in the address before it.
  4. In the Target URL box, paste the URL you want to redirect to. This URL may be either an absolute URI or a relative URL.
  5. Select 301 Moved Permanently from the selection list for the Redirect Type.
  6. Click on the add redirect
  7. Your collection of redirects will now include your new redirect. You can disable your redirection here. Click Check Redirect to verify that you’re being redirected to the intended Address.


Your website may have a large number of broken connections, which can make finding and fixing them time-consuming. If you discover many broken links on your website, remember that they won’t immediately hurt your business or search engine rankings. Furthermore, even if you repair them, you shouldn’t anticipate a significant increase in traffic and rankings. However, they must still be fixed. SEO still applies no matter how little, or large the opportunity or space for optimisation is. Every little detail counts in SEO.

