What is E-commerce SEO? – The main strategies of E-Commerce SEO

What is E-commerce SEO - The main strategies of E-Commerce SEO

It isn’t easy to overstate search engine optimisation’s importance (SEO). After all, if your website doesn’t receive any traffic, you won’t be able to make any sales. Furthermore, traffic doesn’t exactly appear out of nowhere. So, it goes without saying that SEO is essential to any eCommerce marketing plan. Moreover, it’s one of the most economical ways to raise awareness of your brand. This blog will explain E-Commerce SEO and strategies to get a high rank.

What is E-Commerce SEO?

E-commerce SEO is the process of increasing the visibility of your online store in search engine results pages (SERPs). To increase traffic, you want to appear as high up the search results as possible for the products you sell.

Paid search can bring you traffic like Google Ads , but Search Engine Optimization is much more affordable. It would be best if you optimised for search even though ad blockers and ad blindness can decrease the effectiveness of paid search.

E-commerce SEO typically entails improving your website’s navigation, internal links, metadata, headlines, and product descriptions for both search engine optimisation and user experience. In addition, you should have a specific page for each product you sell, one that is optimised for search engine traffic.

Why is E-Commerce SEO important?

Why is E-Commerce SEO important

Approximately 75% of consumers claim to have spent more time researching brands or products online than in physical stores. According to Live Internet Stats, more than 8 billion searches occur every day, primarily due to search engines.

This indicates that there is a sizable amount of potential profit. Google searches by potential customers could range from “car repair parts” to “how and where to treat damaged nails.” You increase your chances of appearing in search results for these terms by SEO-optimizing every page of your website, from the home page to the product pages.

Top advantages of SEO for E-Commerce

  • Bring customers to your online store naturally
  • Obtain continuous traffic from a free, “always on” channel
  • Reach people at different stages of the purchasing process
  • Develop your brand’s authority on essential subjects
  • Use content to inform and win over potential customers

Simple Way to Develop the Strategies

E-commerce SEO may seem daunting, especially if your website is packed with numerous products. Yes, it might take some time, but a good plan will help you move along more quickly.

Page Optimization: What are the most popular pages on your website? Beginning with them. Additionally, prioritise optimising your flagship product if you want people to pay attention to it.

Workflow: Numerous requirements must be satisfied to perform better Search Engine Optimization. This includes selecting keywords, adding meta information, correctly naming your images, adding alternate image attributes, and incorporating related keywords.

Analyse the Competitor: To beat the competition, your ecommerce SEO strategy should be clever. First, examine the websites of your main rivals and their SEO strategies. Then, determine how to improve yours.

The Main E-Commerce SEO Strategies

Here are some of the top recommendations for e-commerce sites that struggle with SEO. You need an e-commerce SEO strategy if you want people to be able to find your products more quickly, and as you cross each item off your list, your strategy will become more effective.

Perform Keyword Research

Perform Keyword Research

Researching keywords is the first step in developing an e-commerce SEO strategy.

To find relevant products, your online shoppers will use search engines to find keywords. Your keyword usage affects how customers see your products. The relevance of your page in search results is determined by keywords by search engines like Google. Therefore, selecting the appropriate keywords for your product pages is essential if you want to appear in relevant search results.

Start your keyword research for e-commerce by looking up your product categories to see what other keywords you can come up with. It would be best if you only used long-tail keywords when conducting keyword research. Long-tail keywords are extremely precise and typically have three words or more. These keywords assist you in generating more qualified leads for your company. Long-tail keywords are generally the best option because they attract more relevant traffic.

Even though some short-tail keywords with one or two words can be effective for your company, there is typically much competition. Not to mention, when people use short-tail keywords in their searches, it can be challenging to understand what they want. In addition, because the searcher’s intent is more narrowly focused, long-tail keywords are more specialised than short-tail ones. Stick to longer key terms to succeed with your e-commerce SEO strategy.

Product Page Optimization

Product Page Optimization

Your company’s product pages are its lifeblood, so you should put much effort into optimising them. Many e-commerce store owners post an image or a video with a few lines of text about each product.

For Google to find your product pages, you need more details. The specific things you want to work on are listed below.

Product Title

Your product’s name is crucial. It’s frequently used in the SEO title and URL of your product page as well. Due to this, you should consider including a popular search term or keyword phrase in your product descriptions.

For instance, if you are selling Shoes, make sure the product name contains the words “Shoes”. That way, the keyword will appear in both the SEO title and URL.

Image Optimization

The images on your product page are crucial. Consider yourself your customer for a moment. Images are vital for search engine optimisation as well as for your customers.

Start with the image file name to properly optimise your images for search. Do not include IMG0010.jpg images on your product pages. Use the name of the item and the primary keyword instead, like super-star-shoes.jpg.

Include keywords that people would use if they were searching for those images in search if you have alternative views of your product. Additionally, when you add images to your product page, be sure to include the product name and keyword in the image’s ALT text.

Customer Reviews

Customer Reviews

Allowing reviews is another way to increase consumer confidence in your product, so do it if it’s a quality item.

Even negative reviews occasionally have their benefits. If you have a higher-priced item with excellent reviews and a lower-priced item with average reviews, it stands to reason that people will choose the higher-priced item, which will increase your company’s sales.

Responsive Design

Nowadays, a lot of people shop on their mobile devices. Your e-commerce website’s responsive design can result in better search results in addition to a better user experience. Mobile-friendliness serves as a ranking signal in Google’s mobile-first index.

Reduce Load Time

Reduce Load Time

Additionally, page load time affects rankings on both desktop and mobile devices. Google will give you a higher ranking the quicker your pages load.

Concentrating on removing as many extraneous elements from your page as possible can reduce your load time. For instance, it might not be necessary to use a large background image that is largely hidden by a white body column. Likewise, remove any plugins or add-ons that don’t improve the bottom line of your e-commerce business.

Use Backlinks

The number of backlinks to your pages is another ranking factor Google considers when deciding where to place them in the SERPs. Therefore, your website becomes more credible the more backlinks you have from top-notch websites.

E-commerce backlink building can be easy. One simple, white-hat method to build links is to guest post on blogs in your niche. Send three or more suggestions for potential guest posts to the owners of the blogs you’re interested in via email.


In many ways, developing an SEO strategy for e-commerce websites is more difficult than for blogs or service websites. This is because e-commerce sites face several particular difficulties that may affect their Google rankings, including indexing, pagination, and more. Hopefully, the guidance offered in this e-commerce guide will assist you in creating an SEO action plan for your e-commerce website.


