Google Tag Manager – How is it helpful to SEO?

Google Tag Manager - How is it helpful to SEO

Data is essential to the success of digital marketing. Understanding how users engage with your site is crucial regardless of the type of site you have, be it a big e-commerce site, a personal website, or one for a small business. Even though it has its limits when utilised by itself, Google Analytics can offer many of the crucial insights you’re seeking for. However, you may gather more data than you otherwise could by tagging your website and utilising Google Tag Manager in conjunction with Google Analytics. This blog will give you a detailed explanation of Google Tag Manager.

What is Google Tag Manager?

What is Google Tag Manager?

Google Tag Manager (GTM) is a free monitoring tool and managing platform that enables the user to add advertising tags, or snippets of the script, to your website to monitor and collect marketing data. It enhances the quantity and quality of information gathered while enabling customers to quickly apply Google Tag Manager tags without changing the code.

Using Google Tag Manager with Google Analytics makes it a beneficial tool.

How Does It Work?

Usually, Google Tag Manager works with the help of three components, such are

  • Tags
  • Triggers
  • Variables

What are Tags?

Tags are coding fragments or monitoring pixels from outside tools. These tags provide instructions to Google Tag Manager.

The following are some typical tags found in Google Tag Manager:

  • Google Analytics Universal tracking code
  • Adwords Remarketing code
  • Code for Adwords Conversion Tracking

What are Triggers?

The tag you set up can be fired using triggers. They instruct Tag Manager on how, when, and where to complete your requests. For example, do you want to trigger tags on a link click or a page visit, or is it custom?

Typical triggers in Google Tag Manager include, for example:

  • Page Views
  • Clicks on the Links
  • Submission of Forms

Page Views

What are Variables?

Variables are a prerequisite for triggers, whereas tags are not. Variables hold the value that triggers must assess to determine whether or not to fire. The tag compares the variable’s value to the trigger’s value, and if the variable satisfies the trigger’s requirements, the tag will fire. The variables are primarily of what, when and how exactly the tags and triggers have to do.

Benefits of Using Google Tag Manager

Benefits of Using Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager offers several advantages for your company and team because it is a comprehensive and simple-to-use website and digital marketing solution. The use of Google Tag Manager has the following four primary advantages.

No Coding Knowledge Required

Users, including marketers, may utilise Google Tag Manager to implement tags without deeply understanding the code. Although it is advantageous to have some experience in the subject, users can change, remove, or add Google Tag Manager tracking code using the user-friendly interface without the help of web professionals. This makes it possible for small enterprises with little access to technical assistance to make the most of online tracking.

Flexible To New Experiments

Google Tag Manager allows marketers to experiment with various tactics or concepts because it doesn’t call for a web developer. It offers flexibility to swiftly put trials into practice and enhance methods that fit with new developments in digital marketing without needing outside help.

Fast Loading Pages

The configuration of Google Tag Manager makes it so that the tags fire asynchronously instead of synchronously. Instead of waiting for each tag to load before firing, each tag is deployed as soon as it loads. As a result, there is no longer a chance that one tag’s delayed loading speed may prevent the other tags from deploying.

Spot For Everything

Google Tag Manager streamlines and enhances the process of employing tags because all the Tag Manager tracking code is managed in a single location instead of being developed and executed on many platforms. In addition, it considerably increases efficiency in creating and examining all deployed tags from a single, straightforward interface, as this eliminates repetition and potential errors.

Google Tag Manager vs Google Analytics



Google Tag Manager vs Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a free analytics tool used to evaluate your company’s web and app presence of your company, much like Google Tag Manager. It is a comprehensive platform offering a detailed digital and marketing campaign performance analysis.

Google Tag Manager is the technology used to transfer data points, while Google Analytics serves as the central centre for website data analysis. In essence, Google Tag Manager manages the data given to Google Analytics for research. The data is transferred to Google Analytics because Google Tag Manager is the platform for deploying and storing the tags but cannot view analytical results.

Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics track and gather crucial data for measuring and enhancing your website.

How does Google Tag manager help SEO?

Despite the fact that Google Tag Manager can track an almost limitless number of websites and digital marketing activities, there are a few typical ones that most companies utilise for Search Engine Optimisation are,

Track Website Scrolls

GTM can track scrolling behaviour on your website and pages, which is another reason to utilise it.

Understanding how users access and engage with the material on your website offers essential information about site activity.

  1. What parts of the pages get the most interaction
  2. What information is more or less interesting
  3. Where scrolling users usually stop

You may create a detailed picture of how most users scroll through each page of your website using the Google Tag Manager data that has been gathered. In exchange, you can develop a plan to enhance user experience on your website.

  1. How is your website set up
  2. What information do you share
  3. Locations that require improvement

Track Clicks

Track Clicks

Google Tag Manager has the advantage of being able to trace link clicks, particularly those that users made while on your website. Knowing a user’s clicking and scrolling behaviour can tell much about your visitors’ path.

  1. How does a user navigate across your website’s pages?
  2. Which calls to action (CTAs) get the most clicks?

But the real reason to utilise Google Tag Manager is to use the data it provides, not merely to comprehend backlinks data.

  1. To increase conversions, examine pages with many clicks or refresh pages with few clicks.
  2. Update the copy for CTAs that receive fewer clicks by learning what causes a CTA to have a high click rate.

Track Submissions

Every business website should have forms; whether it’s for registering for an event, answering a survey, or subscribing to a newsletter, each form has a distinct purpose. GTM controls the precise tracking of form submissions.


Google Tag Manager is an interface that you can use to control how tags are used on any site easily. It makes it easier for you to create and add those tags to your sites. Additionally, it guarantees that you always have an up-to-date list of all the tags you use. You need GTM if you’re serious about the analytics for your website.

