Parenting Blogs – Top 5 Blogs To Follow in Dubai

Parenting Blogs - Top 5 Blogs To Follow in Dubai

Whether you’re a soon-to-be mother or have already been gifted with a little prince or princess, parenthood is a long road that will require all the assistance you can get! Fortunately for us, these mummy bloggers in Dubai have firsthand knowledge of what it’s like to be an expat mother in Dubai, and they’re here to guide you through it.

As of now, over 4 million mothers blog. While it’s impossible to determine how many blogs Latter-day Saint mothers create, the number appears disproportionately significant compared to the Church population.

Many people associate mother blogs with treacherous writing and bright photographs, and they believe they serve no function other than boasting about their children or providing craft ideas and recipes. In reality, mommy blogs differ significantly. Some are beautiful digital scrapbooks, while others are candid tales that delve into sensitive aspects of mommy distress, such as postpartum depression and the frightening hues of new-infant excrement.

I will give you the best and most active parenting blog in Dubai through this blog. From simple parenting advice to the finest places to hang out with your kids in Dubai, here are five mother blogs in Dubai we’re enjoying right now.

Top 5 parenting blogs to follow in Dubai

1. Cuddles & Crumbs

Cuddles & Crumbs


Abigail is a Filipina’stay at home mom in Dubai, and her blog Cuddles & Crumbs is about everyone’s favourite subject – food! Participate on her literary voyage as she explores Bento boxes for lunch, healthy recipes, social events, and expat life in the UAE, all with a fair dose of humour. Recipes, lunchbox ideas, family travel, and expat living in Dubai are all covered on the site. The site, formerly known as My Nappy Stories, has been running since 2008.

2. Dubai Our Sand Box

Dubai Our Sand Box


Since 2011, Emily has been on a quest to discover family-friendly UAE places, work with new indigenous businesses, search online, read publications, chat with moms and girlfriends, and watch for kid-friendly ‘goodies’ to share with you. With this updated edition of Dubai Our Sandbox, She intends to deliver even more valuable and inspirational tiny treasures for your family life in Dubai. Dubai, our Sandbox is a lifestyle, travel, and family blog that is useful and inspiring for contemporary mommies.

3. Super Mommy Beirut

Super Mommy Beirut


Yasmina Audi, a child development and music instructor, founded Super Mommy Beirut in 2014 to encourage and assist women in navigating the ups and downs of parenting. Visitors may get parenting tips, recipes, and evaluations of the finest locations to take children in Lebanon on the website.

4. The Peace Lilly

The Peace Lilly


The Peace Lily symbolizes living a more conscious existence. It’s about releasing the continual expectation to be flawless, whether in your yoga practice or the chaotic road of parenthood, work, or home life. As a working mother, there must be more hours in the day. The guilt of trying to do it all – maintain a regular yoga practice, exercise, meditate, prepare food, pick up the kids, work, etc.

Above all, The Peace Lily is committed to the capacity to laugh and breathe during turmoil – even if that means pausing in the present moment for only a few breaths every day.

5. Seashells on the Palm

Seashells on the Palm


Edwina is a mother of four who runs a lovely blog that can best be characterized as “Yoga for the eyes!” It is a candid look at parenthood, filled with adorable photos of her children and advice for all other mothers. Other writers from all across the world contribute to the site as well! Expect to read some intriguing parenting articles or outstanding DIY projects.

The site, a collective effort, tells the experiences of remarkable and inspiring moms. Mothers from London, Dubai, Singapore, and New York share their parenting, travel, fashion, health, beauty, and lifestyle opinions, tips, and experiences.

Five reasons why blogging is essential for children

Engaged parents: blogging allows you to track your child’s growth more engagingly. You may quickly check in and see what your child has been posting, which may spark a debate and increase your child’s comprehension of a subject!

Improving writing skills and encouraging creativity: Blog articles can be as expected or specific as your child wishes. Do they have a particular interest? That’s fantastic! Do they love discussing anything that comes to mind? That’s fantastic as well! Blogging is also an excellent approach to motivate your youngster to do their best. Knowing that their work has a meaningful purpose and will be shared with a larger audience will inspire them to develop their writing abilities.

Developing self-esteem through dialogue: Sharing work with other children and receiving positive feedback and comments from others is an excellent method to boost confidence via active communication. Blogging is an ideal approach for your youngster to learn how to adequately convey their opinion or point of view on a particular subject. The curriculum emphasizes pupils editing and evaluating work and giving appropriate comments to others; using a blog can facilitate this in a secure and welcoming environment.

ICT strengths: We live in a world where most tasks can be accomplished online. We must help children learn ICT skills such as typing, researching, and uploading material; blogging is an excellent method. It is also an ideal setting for educating students about E-Safety, which is included in practically every ICT course. Students may be taught how to be web smart in a secure and regulated atmosphere.

Professional Growth and Self-expression: Blogging teaches your youngster how to reflect and provide good feedback to others, which is incredibly valuable in the workplace. It is also a highly effective approach for your kid to practice self-expression, which may be especially valuable if they struggle to set clear boundaries or adequately convey their thoughts and feelings.

And thank you for taking the time to read this blog.

Dinesh Kumar VM

Dinesh Kumar VM

Dinesh Kumar VM, born and raised in India. Blogger, Experienced Digital Marketing Consultant. Skilled in Blogging, SEO & Paid Campaigns. Wrote & published various books related to SEO, Blogging, Web Development & Google AdWords. Dinesh Kumar VM, Skilled International SEO Consultant has plenty of experience in Search Engine Optimization. Dinesh is also a contributing author of many premium Business Blogs and Magazines.