How to Create SEO-Friendly URLs?

SEO-friendly URLs

The one of the most important elements among the SEO aspects is URL structure. A properly optimized URL can greatly enhance a website’s ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs) and improve overall user experience. In this blog, we will explore the importance of SEO-friendly URLs and provide practical tips on how to create them.

The importance of SEO-friendly URLs

SEO-friendly URLs play a vital role in improving a website’s visibility and search engine rankings. Here are some reasons why optimizing your URLs is essential for SEO:

  1. Improved Click-Through Rates (CTRs)
  2. Better User Experience
  3. Improved Crawlability for Search Engines
  4. Enhanced Keyword Relevance
  5. Easy Sharing and Link Building

To create SEO-friendly URLs, it is important to keep them concise, descriptive, and structured:

  • Use keywords: Incorporate relevant keywords or phrases that accurately reflect the content of the page.
  • Keep it short: Avoid long, convoluted URLs that can confuse both users and search engines.
  • Use hyphens: Separate words in the URL with hyphens rather than underscores or spaces. Hyphens are preferred by search engines and can improve readability.
  • Avoid unnecessary parameters: Remove any unnecessary parameters, such as session IDs or tracking codes, from the URL. These can make the URL longer and less user-friendly.

How to Create SEO-Friendly URLs

Understanding the structure of a URL

Understanding the structure of a URL is essential for creating SEO-friendly URLs. A URL, or Uniform Resource Locator, is the web address that specifies the location of a website or webpage on the internet. It consists of several components that provide information about the website and its content.

  1. Protocol: The protocol is the first part of a URL and indicates the type of connection being made. The most common protocol is “http://” for standard websites and “https://” for secure websites that use SSL encryption.
  2. Domain: The domain is the main part of a URL and identifies the website or webpage. It typically consists of a combination of letters, numbers, and hyphens, and is followed by a domain extension such as “.com”, “.org”, or “.net”.
  3. Path: The path is the part of a URL that specifies the location of a specific webpage or resource within a website. It often includes directories and subdirectories separated by slashes (“/”).
  4. Query String: The query string is an optional part of a URL that contains additional information or parameters for the webpage or server. It typically starts with a question mark (“?”) and includes key-value pairs separated by ampersands (“&”).

Understanding the structure of a URL

Here is an example of a URL structure:

– Protocol: “https://”

– Domain: “”

– Path: “/products/shoes”

– Query String: “?category=sneakers&color=black”

Understanding the structure of a URL can help optimize it for search engines and improve its visibility. Here are some best practices for structuring URLs:

Include Keywords in URLs

By incorporating relevant keywords into your URLs, you can improve the visibility and search engine rankings of your website. Here are some tips for choosing keywords for your URLs:

  1. Research relevant keywords

Before selecting keywords for your URLs, conduct thorough keyword research to identify the terms and phrases that your target audience is using to search for content related to your website. Tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Moz Keyword Explorer can help you discover relevant keywords with high search volumes and low competition.

  1. Focus on long-tail keywords

Incorporating long-tail keywords into your URLs can help you rank higher in specific search queries and attract more qualified traffic.

  1. Prioritize relevance

Choose keywords that are relevant to the content of your webpage. Your URL should accurately reflect the topic or subject matter of the page. Avoid using generic or unrelated keywords that may confuse search engines and users.

  1. Use primary keywords

Identify one or two primary keywords that best represent the main topic or focus of your webpage. Include these keywords in the URL to signal to search engines the relevance of your content. For example, if your webpage is about “best hiking trails in California,” consider including the keywords “hiking trails” and “California” in the URL.

  1. Keep it concise

 While it’s essential to include relevant keywords in your URLs, it’s equally important to keep them concise and readable. Short, straightforward URLs are more user-friendly and easier to remember. Avoid using unnecessary words, stop words, or excessive keyword stuffing in your URLs.

  1. Separate words with hyphens

 When including multiple words in your URL, separate them with hyphens (“-“) rather than underscores or spaces. Hyphens are preferred by search engines and improve readability for both search engines and users. For example, use “best-hiking-trails-california” instead of “best_hiking_trails_california” or “besthikingtrailscalifornia.”

  1. Avoid keyword repetition

 While it’s crucial to include keywords in your URLs, avoid repetitive or excessive use of the same keyword. This can be seen as keyword stuffing, a practice that search engines frown upon. Instead, focus on using a combination of relevant keywords that accurately describe the content of your webpage.Include Keywords in URLs

Keeping URLs short and descriptive

A well-structured URL can provide important information about the content of a webpage, making it easier for both search engines and users to understand what the page is about.

Here are some reasons why keeping URLs short and descriptive is important:

  1. Improved visibility in search results: Search engines often display URLs in search results, and a concise and relevant URL can attract more clicks. A short and descriptive URL can quickly convey the topic or main keyword of a webpage to users, increasing the likelihood of them clicking on the link.
  1. User-friendly: Short and descriptive URLs are easier for users to read and remember. They provide a clear indication of what to expect when clicking on a link, enhancing the user experience and reducing the bounce rate. Users are more likely to trust and click on URLs that are concise and directly related to their search query.
  1. Increased keyword relevance: Including relevant keywords in the URL can help search engines understand the content of a webpage and improve its ranking for those keywords. By keeping URLs short and descriptive, you can optimize them for specific keywords or phrases related to the page’s content.
  1. Shareability: Short and descriptive URLs are more shareable on social media platforms and in other online contexts. When users share a URL, it is often accompanied by a short description or comment. A concise URL makes it easier for people to share and discuss the content, increasing its reach and visibility.
  1. Ease of navigation: In addition to search engines, users often rely on URLs to navigate websites. A well-structured URL that accurately reflects the page’s content can help users understand the website’s hierarchy and find the information they need more efficiently.

Implementing 301 redirects for URL changes

Before implementing 301 redirects, create a mapping of your old URLs to the corresponding new URLs. This mapping will help you ensure that each old URL is redirected to the correct new URL. It is crucial to maintain the relevance and context of the content when redirecting URLs.

Implementing 301 redirects for URL changes

If your website is built on a content management system (CMS) like WordPress, Joomla, or Drupal, you can make use of redirect plugins or modules to simplify the process of implementing 301 redirects.  These plugins or modules provide user-friendly interfaces where you can easily set up redirects without requiring technical knowledge.

After implementing 301 redirects, it is crucial to test them to ensure they are functioning correctly. Use a tool like Screaming Frog or Google Search Console to crawl your website and check for any redirect errors or inconsistencies. Test a few old URLs to confirm that they are redirected to the corresponding new URLs. Once the 301 redirects are in place, it is important to update any internal links within your website that point to the old URLs. This helps ensure a seamless user experience and avoids any potential issues with broken or redirected links.

Final words:

By implementing the strategies and guidelines mentioned in this blog, you can improve your website’s visibility in search engine results pages and enhance the user experience.

Remember to keep your URLs concise, descriptive, and relevant to the content they represent. Including keywords in your URLs can also help improve their visibility in search engine rankings. and make sure to structure your URLs in a logical manner and avoid using unnecessary parameters or punctuation marks.

