SSL Certificates – Why is it Important for SEO?

SSL Certificates - Why is it Important for SEO?

Nowadays, SEO is a hot topic in the digital world for E-commerce stores, startups, and more progressive ideas. So, the search engines like Google and Bing want their users to secure their websites, and search engines and more prioritised Secure websites which use SSL over non-secured websites. This blog will explain SSL certificates and the importance of SSL certificates in Search Engine Optimization.

What are SSL Certificates?

An SSL certificate, also known as Secure Socket Layer, is a digital certificate that permits an encrypted connection and verifies the legitimacy of a website. A secure Sockets Layer, or SSL, is a security protocol that establishes a secure connection between a web server and a web browser.

Adding SSL certificates to websites is necessary for businesses and organisations to protect client data and secure online transactions.

SSL secures internet connections and stops hackers from accessing or altering data sent between two computers. A padlock icon next to the website URL in the address bar indicates SSL protection for the website you are currently visiting.

How SSL Does Work?

How Does SSL Work?

When a user visits a website or transfers data between two systems, SSL ensures that the data is encrypted and hard to read. In addition, data in transit is encrypted using algorithms to prevent hackers from accessing it as it travels over the connection. This information includes details that could be considered sensitive, such as names, addresses, credit card numbers, or other financial information.

Why are SSL Certificates necessary for SEO?

Most people can now see that Google dominates the field of search engines in this day and age. When people look for anything, including song lyrics, sports scores, store hours, and product information, they turn to them first. Because of this, every website must abide by these standards whenever Google updates an existing SEO standard or establishes a new one to retain and improve its SEO.

A website that doesn’t follow Google guidelines can get lost in the SEO wilderness, where no one looks. The ability of a website to establish its credibility is one of Google’s essential Search Engine Optimisation requirements. While crawling search engines, Google’s search algorithm has prioritized HTTPS in recent years as a crucial ranking factor.

Because they reassure users and consumers that their privacy and information are safe and secure from hackers when they visit these certified websites, HTTPS-enabled website URLs and pages will be given higher SEO authority by Google. Google will consider sites without a valid SSL certificate untrustworthy and offer them inferior rankings if they ever rank.

Types of SSL Certificates

Types of SSL Certificates

Different SSL certificate kinds and levels of validation are available. The following are the six primary types,

  1. Extended Validation certificates (EV SSL)
  2. Organization Validated certificates (OV SSL)
  3. Domain Validated certificates (DV SSL)
  4. Wildcard SSL certificates
  5. Multi-Domain SSL certificates (MDC)
  6. Unified Communications Certificates (UCC)

Extended Validation certificates (EV SSL)

The most valuable and pricey kind of SSL certificate is this one. High-profile websites that gather data and accept payments online frequently use it. As soon as it is implemented, this SSL certificate causes the browser address bar to show a padlock, HTTPS, the company name, and the nation. The address bars display the website owner’s details to aid in separating legitimate websites from fraudulent ones.

The website’s owner must pass a defined identity verification procedure to demonstrate that they are legitimately entitled to the domain’s exclusive rights before setting up an EV SSL certificate.

Organization Validated certificates (OV SSL)

Since the website owner must undergo a rigorous validation process to receive one, this SSL certificate version offers an assurance level comparable to that of the EV SSL certificate. For added protection against rogue websites, this kind of certificate also shows the website owner’s details in the address bar.

The primary function of OV SSL certificates, often the second most expensive (behind EV SSLs), is to encrypt sensitive user data during transactions. An individual must install an OV SSL certificate on commercial or public-facing websites to guarantee that any consumer information disclosed remains private.

Domain Validated certificates (DV SSL)

Domain Validation SSL certificates offer lower confidence and little encryption because the validation procedure to obtain this SSL certificate type is modest. In other words, websites that do not collect data or accept money online, such as blogs or informational websites, tend to employ them. One of the cheapest and quickest SSL certificate types is this one.

Domain Validated certificates (DV SSL)

Website owners must confirm domain ownership as part of the validation procedure by replying to an email or phone call. The only information in the browser’s address bar is HTTPS and a padlock; the company name is not visible.

Wildcard SSL certificates

One certificate for a wildcard SSL allows you to secure an unlimited number of sub-domains in addition to the base domain. Therefore, a Wildcard SSL certificate purchase is far less expensive than purchasing separate SSL certificates for each sub-domain if you need to safeguard more than one.

Multi-Domain SSL certificates (MDC)

Many domains and subdomain names can be protected using a Multi-Domain certificate. Except for local/internal TLDs, this includes merging distinct domains and sub-domains. Sub-domains are not by default supported by Multi-Domain certificates. If you need to secure both and with one Multi-Domain certificate, both hostnames should mention when getting the certification.

Unified Communications Certificates (UCC)

Unified Communications Certificates (UCC) are also considered as Multi-Domain SSL certificates. UCCs were first created to safeguard servers for Live Communications and Microsoft Exchange. However, any website owner can now use these certificates to allow the security of many domain names on a single certificate.

UCC Certificates show a padlock on a browser and are organizationally validated. In addition, UCCs can be used as EV SSL certificates to provide maximum assurance to website visitors through the green address bar.

To choose the appropriate SSL certificate for your website, you must be aware of the many types of certificates.

How to Get SSL Certificate?

It’s time to purchase an SSL certificate now that you know its function! The processes for obtaining an SSL certificate are listed below.

How to Get SSL Certificate?

Select the certificate that best meets your needs

Determine which certificate best meets the demands of your company before beginning the process of obtaining an SSL certificate. There are six possibilities, so pick the one that offers you the level of security you require.

Verify the accuracy of your information

Ensure all the information about your business is accurate to obtain a valid SSL certificate. For example, your website’s name, organization’s name, and address are included in this information.

Determine the Certificate Authority (CA)

You must select a Certificate Authority to obtain your SSL certificate (CA). Several well-known CAs are,

  • DigiCert SSL Certificate
  • Sectigo SSL Certificate
  • Geo trust SSL certificate
  • Rapid SSL Certificate
  • Thawte SSL Certificate

Make a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)

You will produce a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) on your server once you have found the provider you want to utilize. If you’re using a hosting provider, you can ask the provider for assistance with this step.

Wait for the confirmation

wait for confirmation

You must wait for the CA to verify your domain and company information after you have submitted your CSR to it. Once it’s done, they will provide you with the certificate for the price.


No matter what kind of website you run, installing an SSL certificate will help it succeed as the web becomes a more secure environment. SSL keeps your data safe, promotes user confidence, and maintains your website up to date with industry standards.

